PDM8-12V features an integrated monitored fire trip input via 22K EOL resistor or non monitored via voltage trip, each of the eight outputs can be configured to remove power or remain active during a fire trip via jumper switches. A common fault relay output to signal failure of any individual circuit. This output may be used to drive DVR alarm inputs, security alarm inputs / building management systems or a local sounder / strobe to inform personnel of equipment failure.
Available in either 12Vdc or 24VDC models, the use of PDM8 minimises the likelihood of a total system shutdown in the event of a short circuit on any one single circuit run.
Featuring state-of-the-art Surface Mount Technology and 8 individual M205 1A fused protected circuits – each with an LED to indicate fuse status, Power status LED, the PDM8-12V can be configured by the technician with a variety of fuse ratings to suit your application – 1A fuses supplied unless otherwise specified.
Fitted with 35mm DIN rail mounting hardware.
Installers should ensure that total system current draw does not exceed the rating of the connected power supply and fire trip relays (10A).